minimalist living, storage solutions

Less is More: 5 Hacks to Embrace Minimalism & Declutter Your Life

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Welcome to a world of minimalist living and decluttered spaces! If you’ve been feeling overwhelmed by the chaos of your surroundings, it’s time to take a step back and embrace the beauty of simplicity. Minimalism is a lifestyle choice that focuses on intentional living and creating a serene environment by owning and keeping only what you truly need and love. In this article, we will explore five hacks to help you embrace minimalist living and find storage solutions for a more organized and intentional lifestyle.

Key Takeaways:

  • Minimalism is about living with less and decluttering your space to create a serene and organized environment.
  • Find your motivation and inspiration for decluttering by reading books, watching documentaries, or finding quotes that resonate with your minimalist goals.
  • Schedule dedicated time for decluttering to stay consistent and avoid feeling overwhelmed.
  • Begin decluttering in the most used room to achieve immediate results and motivation to continue the process throughout your home.
  • Gather items from the same category in one spot and consider repurposing furniture or using creative storage ideas to maximize your space.

Know Your Why and Get Inspired

The first step to embracing a minimalist lifestyle is to understand why you want to declutter and simplify your life. Knowing your motivations and finding inspiration will help you stay motivated on your minimalist journey. Let’s explore some ways to discover your why and get inspired:

1. Read Books

Books on minimalism and intentional living can provide valuable insights and inspiration. Some popular titles include:
Decluttering at the Speed of Life: Winning Your Never-Ending Battle with Stuff

Decluttering at the Speed of Life: Winning Your Never-Ending Battle with Stuff

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2. Watch Documentaries

Documentaries are a great way to learn about minimalist lifestyles and gain decluttering inspiration. Consider watching:

3. Find Quotes and Resources

Exploring quotes and resources related to minimalism and intentional living can help you connect with the principles and values underlying this lifestyle. Look for inspiration from well-known minimalists and their teachings. Here is a quote that resonates with many minimalist enthusiasts:
“The more you have, the more you are occupied. The less you have, the more free you are.” – Mother Teresa
Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones

Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones

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By immersing yourself in the minimalist mindset through books, documentaries, quotes, and resources, you can find the decluttering inspiration and motivation you need to embark on your minimalist journey.

Schedule Your Decluttering

To successfully declutter your space and maximize your storage organization, it is crucial to schedule dedicated time for the task. By setting aside regular decluttering sessions, you can establish consistency and avoid feeling overwhelmed. Breaking the process into manageable chunks helps you make the most of your available space and promotes effective organization of your belongings. Instead of tackling the entire decluttering process in one go, which can be daunting, try allocating specific time slots throughout the week. This allows you to focus on one area or category at a time, ensuring a thorough and efficient decluttering process. Consider creating a weekly or monthly decluttering schedule based on your availability and the scale of the task. Block off dedicated time in your calendar, treating decluttering as an important appointment. This approach not only helps you stay accountable but also allows you to methodically go through each area of your home, ensuring no space is overlooked. During your scheduled decluttering sessions, focus on one area or room at a time. Start with smaller, easier-to-manage spaces before moving on to larger or more challenging areas. This way, you can maintain momentum and a sense of accomplishment as you progress through your decluttering journey.

Benefits of Scheduled Decluttering

  • Consistency: Regular decluttering sessions establish a consistent habit, making it easier to maintain an organized living space.
  • Efficiency: Breaking the process into smaller chunks allows you to focus on specific areas, ensuring a more efficient decluttering experience.
  • Maximizing Space: By organizing and removing unnecessary items, you create more space and storage opportunities in your home.
  • Reduced Stress: A clutter-free environment promotes a sense of calm and reduces stress levels.
By incorporating scheduled decluttering into your routine, you can not only effectively maximize your space but also experience the benefits of an organized and minimalist lifestyle.

Start Decluttering in the Most Used Room

When it comes to decluttering, starting in the most used room of your home can provide instant gratification and serve as a powerful motivator to tackle decluttering in other areas. Begin by focusing on high-traffic spaces such as the living room or kitchen, where clutter tends to accumulate. By focusing on these frequently used areas, you can quickly see the impact of your decluttering efforts and experience the benefits of a cleaner and more organized living environment. Not only will you create a visually appealing space, but you’ll also enhance functionality and efficiency in the heart of your home.

Decluttering Hacks for Living Room Organization

The living room is often a hub for relaxation, entertainment, and socializing. However, it can also become a magnet for accumulated items, making it crucial to implement effective decluttering hacks for living room organization.
  • Designate specific zones for different activities (e.g., reading, watching TV, playing games) to maintain order and prevent items from spreading throughout the room.
  • Invest in stylish storage solutions, such as ottomans or coffee tables with hidden compartments, to keep everyday items like remote controls, magazines, and blankets neatly tucked away.
  • Maximize vertical space with wall-mounted shelves or floating shelves to display decorative items while minimizing surface clutter.
  • Consider implementing a minimalist approach to furniture arrangement, choosing only essential pieces to create an open and airy atmosphere.

Kitchen Organization Tips

The kitchen is another area prone to clutter due to the abundance of utensils, appliances, and food items. By implementing effective kitchen organization strategies, you can transform this space into a functional and clutter-free zone.
  • Sort through your pantry and cabinets, discarding expired food items and donating seldom-used appliances or duplicate utensils.
  • Utilize drawer dividers or storage bins to categorize and separate cooking utensils, cutlery, and other kitchen essentials, making them easily accessible.
  • Optimize cabinet space by adding stackable shelves or using vertical storage solutions, such as hanging pot racks or magnetic spice holders.
  • Create a designated spot for commonly used items like keys, mail, and grocery lists to avoid cluttering countertops.
Save $20 off + free shipping on your purchase of $100. Shop Now! Valid from March 9th to March 24th at 9AM EST. To further inspire your living room and kitchen decluttering journey, here’s an image showcasing an organized living room with minimalistic decor:

Living Room Organization Ideas:

Living Room Organization Ideas Description
1. Declutter Surface Areas Clear tabletops, shelves, and mantels from unnecessary items to create a clean and visually appealing space.
2. Utilize Storage Ottomans Invest in stylish ottomans with hidden storage compartments to store blankets, pillows, and other frequently used items.
3. Implement Floating Shelves Add floating shelves to display decorative items while freeing up floor space and reducing clutter.
4. Use Decorative Baskets Place decorative baskets strategically to store toys, magazines, and other miscellaneous items while adding aesthetic appeal.

Gather Everything from the Same Category in One Spot

When decluttering your home, it can be overwhelming to sort through various items scattered around different areas. A helpful decluttering hack is to gather everything from the same category in one spot. This method allows you to visually assess the quantity and quality of the items you own, making it easier to make decisions about what to keep and what to let go. For example, if you’re decluttering your wardrobe, take out all your clothes and place them in one designated area. Garage-Organization.comThis way, you can see the full extent of your clothing collection and identify any duplicates or items you no longer wear. The same approach can be applied to other categories such as books, kitchen utensils, or children’s toys. By gathering everything together, you create a clear visual representation of what you own, helping you prioritize and streamline your belongings. But what do you do with all those items you decide to keep? Here’s where creative storage ideas and repurposing furniture come into play.

Repurpose Furniture for Storage

Repurposing furniture is a fantastic way to optimize your space and create unique storage solutions. Instead of purchasing new storage units, you can find innovative ways to repurpose existing furniture pieces to fit your organization needs. For instance, an unused dresser can be transformed into a stylish shoe cabinet by removing the drawers and placing shelves or shoe racks inside. Likewise, an old ladder can be repurposed as a bookshelf or a decorative display for hanging plants or blankets. By repurposing furniture, you not only save money but also add character and charm to your living space. Get creative and think outside the box when repurposing furniture for storage. You’ll be surprised at the unique and functional solutions you can create.

Creative Storage Ideas

In addition to repurposing furniture, there are various creative storage ideas you can implement to maximize your space.
Storage Idea Description
Underbed storage Utilize the space under your bed by using storage containers or rolling drawers to store extra linens, seasonal clothing, or shoes.
Hanging organizers Hang organizers on the back of doors or on walls to create additional storage space for accessories, cleaning supplies, or small items.
Vertical shelves Install tall, narrow shelves or bookcases to utilize vertical wall space for storing books, decorative items, or office supplies.
Pegboards Mount pegboards in garages or craft rooms to hang tools, craft supplies, or kitchen utensils for easy access and organization. These are just a few examples of creative storage ideas that can help you make the most of your space while keeping your belongings organized and easily accessible. By gathering everything from the same category in one spot and utilizing creative storage ideas or repurposing furniture, you can declutter your home effectively and create an organized and visually appealing living environment.

Sort Your Things Into “Keep” and “Get Rid Of” Piles

Once you have gathered your belongings, it’s time to sort them into two piles: keep and get rid of. This step is crucial in decluttering your space and embracing a minimalist lifestyle. As you sort through your possessions, ask yourself if each item is essential and brings you joy. Separate the items that you no longer need or want from those that you want to hold on to. Now that you have your piles sorted, it’s time to decide what to do with the items you no longer want to keep. There are several options to consider based on the condition and usability of the items:
  1. Donating: If your items are still in good condition and can be used by others, consider donating them to local charities or organizations. Donating unused items not only helps someone in need but also reduces waste and contributes to a more sustainable community. Remember, one person’s trash can be another person’s treasure.
  2. Recycling: For items that are no longer functional or cannot be donated, recycling is a great alternative. Recycling old items ensures that they are properly disposed of and can be repurposed into new materials. Research local recycling centers or programs that accept different types of materials for recycling.
  3. Discarding: Broken or damaged items that cannot be donated or recycled should be discarded responsibly. Check with your local waste management services for guidance on proper disposal methods to minimize the impact on the environment.
In addition, if you come across items that you are unsure about, consider creating a “maybe” pile. This gives you the opportunity to revisit these items later and make a more informed decision. Keep in mind that the goal is to reduce clutter and embrace a simpler, more intentional lifestyle.

Example Table: Donation Centers

Ask Yourself Critical Questions

When it comes to decluttering, asking yourself critical questions can be a powerful tool in making informed decisions about what to keep and what to let go. By considering the value, utility, and impact of each item, you can declutter with intention and create a more organized living space. Here are some essential questions to guide you in your decluttering journey:
  1. Have I used this item in the past year?
  2. Does this item support the lifestyle I’m trying to create?
  3. Is this item taking up valuable space without serving a purpose?
  4. Am I keeping this item out of guilt or obligation?
  5. Can this item be easily replaced or borrowed if needed?
  6. Does this item hold sentimental value beyond its practical use?
By asking yourself these critical questions, you can gain clarity and make thoughtful choices about which items are truly essential and meaningful in your life. Remember, letting go of sentimental items can be challenging, but considering their value and usefulness can help you prioritize what matters most.

Letting Go of Sentimental Items

Sentimental items often hold emotional attachments that make it difficult to part with them. However, it’s important to reflect on the purpose these items serve in your life. Consider:
  • The memories associated with the item
  • If these memories can be preserved in another way (such as through photographs or digital storage)
  • The space these items take up in your home
  • If someone else would benefit more from having the item
Remember, decluttering is a personal journey, and everyone’s attachment to sentimental items is unique. Take your time, reflect on what truly brings you joy, and make decisions that align with your values and allow you to live a more decluttered and intentional life.

Example of sentimental item decluttering

Item Sentimental Value Utility Decision
Childhood stuffed animal High Not used Keep (store in memory box)
Photo albums High Infrequently viewed Digitize and donate physical albums
Handmade blanket from a loved one High In regular use Keep
College textbooks Low No longer needed Sell or donate
Old greeting cards Medium Rarely revisited Recycle (keep meaningful messages)
letting go of sentimental items Remember, the decision to let go of sentimental items is personal and will vary from person to person. It’s essential to find a balance between keeping items that truly bring you joy and creating a clutter-free living space that supports your well-being.

Get Rid of Decluttered Things ASAP

Once you have completed the decluttering process, it is crucial to take immediate action and remove the items from your home as soon as possible. This step is essential to ensure that the decluttered items do not find their way back into your living space and undo all your hard work. By promptly disposing of these items, you can maintain a clutter-free environment and fully embrace minimalism. One of the best ways to get rid of your decluttered items is by organizing donations. Consider donating them to local charities, shelters, or thrift stores. Not only does this help you free up space in your home, but it also allows you to give back to the community and support those in need. You can also choose to sell your decluttered items. Platforms like eBay, Facebook Marketplace, or even organizing a garage sale can help you earn some extra cash while decluttering. Remember to set a specific timeframe for selling or donating these items, as it keeps you accountable and prevents any procrastination.

Benefits of Organizing Donations and Selling:

  • Prevents re-accumulation of clutter
  • Helps you give back to the community
  • Potential to earn extra money
  • Encourages responsible consumption
By organizing donations or selling your decluttered items, you not only create a clutter-free environment but also contribute to a more sustainable and mindful lifestyle. Remember, the goal is to simplify your life and surround yourself with only the items that truly bring you joy and serve a purpose.
Methods to Get Rid of Decluttered Items Benefits
Organizing donations Supports the community and prevents clutter accumulation
Selling items Potential for financial gain and promotes responsible consumption

Set Yourself Decluttering Challenges

If you’re looking for an engaging way to make decluttering a fun and motivating experience, why not set yourself some decluttering challenges? These challenges can help you stay focused, set goals for your minimalist journey, and make steady progress towards a clutter-free home. One popular decluttering challenge is to set timed decluttering sessions. Choose a specific amount of time, whether it’s 15 minutes, 30 minutes, or an hour, and challenge yourself to declutter as much as you can within that time frame. This time-bound approach adds an element of excitement and urgency to your decluttering efforts, helping you stay motivated and efficient. Another effective challenge is the 30-day decluttering challenge. Each day for 30 days, set a goal to declutter and organize a specific area or category of items in your home. For example, on day 1, you can focus on decluttering your wardrobe, on day 2, you can tackle your kitchen drawers, and so on. This challenge allows you to break down the decluttering process into manageable tasks and ensures consistent progress throughout the month. By participating in decluttering challenges like these, you’ll be amazed at how much you can accomplish and how quickly you can transform your living space. These challenges not only help you declutter a significant number of items but also instill a sense of achievement and satisfaction as you reach each milestone.

Benefits of Decluttering Challenges

  • Keeps you motivated and accountable
  • Allows you to focus on specific areas or categories
  • Creates a sense of accomplishment and progress
  • Helps you establish decluttering as a regular habit
  • Provides a structured approach to the decluttering process
So why not challenge yourself and take your decluttering journey to the next level? Set some decluttering challenges and watch as your minimalist goals become a reality.

Stop Shopping

A key aspect of minimalism is reducing unnecessary shopping. Impulse buying and shopping for the sake of it can lead to accumulating more items and cluttering your space. By being mindful of your shopping habits and focusing on intentional purchases, you can save money and avoid unnecessary clutter. Consider the value and purpose of each item before making a purchase.
Impulse Buying Intentional Shopping
Buying items without careful consideration Thoughtful and purposeful shopping
Often driven by emotions or external influences Based on personal needs and values
Leads to impulsive and unnecessary purchases Results in mindful and meaningful acquisitions
Can lead to financial strain and cluttered living spaces Helps in saving money and maintaining an organized environment

Benefits of Intentional Shopping

  • Reduces impulse buying and wasteful spending
  • Promotes conscious consumption and sustainable practices
  • Supports local and ethical brands
  • Allows you to prioritize quality over quantity
  • Helps in creating a clutter-free living environment
By adopting intentional shopping habits, you can make mindful choices, purchase items that truly align with your values, and avoid unnecessary clutter. It’s important to critically evaluate each purchase and determine whether it adds value to your life. Remember, quality and purpose should guide your shopping decisions, leading to a more intentional and intentional lifestyle.

The Hanger Trick

The hanger trick is a simple yet effective method for organizing your clothing and creating a minimalist wardrobe. By implementing this technique, you can easily assess your clothing usage and declutter your wardrobe based on your actual needs. To get started with the hanger trick, follow these steps:
  1. Turn each hanger backward so that the hook faces towards you.
  2. As you wear an item of clothing, return the hanger back to its original position with the hook facing away from you.
  3. After a designated time period, such as six months or a year, take a look at the items that are still on hangers with their hooks facing towards you.
  4. These are the clothing items that you haven’t worn during the designated time period, indicating that they are not essential to your daily wardrobe.
  5. Consider donating, selling, or repurposing these unused items to declutter your wardrobe and create a streamlined collection of clothing that you truly love and wear regularly.
By using the hanger trick, you can easily identify the clothing items that are taking up space in your closet but not adding value to your everyday life. This method allows you to let go of the unnecessary clutter and build a minimalist wardrobe that reflects your personal style and eliminates decision fatigue.

Benefits of the Hanger Trick

The hanger trick offers several benefits when it comes to organizing your clothing and embracing a minimalist wardrobe:
  • Efficient decluttering: The hanger trick provides a systematic approach to decluttering your wardrobe without feeling overwhelmed. It allows you to focus on the clothing items you actually wear and enjoy.
  • Clear identification of unused items: By visually seeing which items haven’t been worn, you can easily identify the clothing pieces that no longer serve a purpose in your life.
  • Streamlined wardrobe: Implementing the hanger trick helps you create a minimalist wardrobe filled with items that align with your personal style and are essential to your daily life.
  • Reduced decision-making: With a curated wardrobe of clothing items you love, you’ll experience less decision fatigue and save time getting ready in the morning.
Before Using the Hanger Trick After Using the Hanger Trick
Overcrowded closet filled with unused clothing Streamlined wardrobe with only essential and loved items
Difficulty finding specific clothing items Easier organization and quick access to favorite outfits
Feeling overwhelmed by the excess of choices Less decision fatigue and increased clarity in choosing outfits


Embracing minimalist living and incorporating storage solutions can have a multitude of benefits that extend beyond just decluttering your physical space. By adopting a minimalist lifestyle, you create a serene and organized living environment that promotes a sense of peace and tranquility. Reducing the amount of physical possessions in your life can also alleviate stress and overwhelm, allowing you to focus on what truly matters. By decluttering your space, you make room for more intentional living and experiences. With fewer distractions and possessions to manage, you can prioritize your time and energy towards activities and relationships that bring you joy and fulfillment. Minimalism is not just about having less, but also about intentionally curating your life to align with your values and goals. Whether you implement decluttering hacks, optimize your wardrobe, or practice financial minimalism, minimalism can profoundly transform your lifestyle. It frees you from the burden of excessive material possessions and encourages conscious decision-making when it comes to acquiring new items. The benefits of minimalist living extend beyond your physical space and permeate into various aspects of your life, allowing you to live with greater intention and purpose.